What is this?
Why join
— To create your lifetime job record
— To support research about yourself
— Employers attention from all industries
— In-app DNA profile promotions and partnership perks from Biotech
— To personalize material world around us
— Meet likeminded folks behind I@Work concept that are ready to join life data ecosystem- based economy. Those who understand that humankind is about to learn much more about itself by digitizing the entire world around us, and to benefit from this early.

What you’ll do
All you have to do is post your job outcomes in the I@work application
If possible, share your experience with your employers and the the rest of the world. In many cases, there is some advantage not only for you, but for your employer as well.
Try to be serious from the very beginning. Take some time to go over our boring “Whitepaper” to understand fully how exactly this works and benefits to you.
Donate any amount to support research and development of life data ecosystem (optional)

This is not a donation in support of somebody who will do this research and development. You can become a subject of the research by obtaining your DNA profile from participating company at discounted rate (and even for free in some cases), and by providing information about your lifetime work outcome at I@Work platform. If you decide to do this (optional of course), this will make you a subject of the life data ecosystem. Your DNA profile can be absolutely anonymous.
A link for your entry will be emailed to you at the moment of donation.